Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Care Of Clients With Mental Health Problems
Cargon Of Clients With Mental Health ProblemsThis essay give look at the relationship mingled with schizophrenia and bio psycho favorable issues it entrust also explore the concept of convalescence and also look at some of the mountes that are economic consumptiond to promote the recovery function. The National Health process (2005) describes schizophrenia as a rational illness with substantial short and retentive term consequences for individuals, family, health and clinical wait ons and society. One in cytosine people experience schizophrenia in their lifetime with highest incidence of the disease in late teens and archeozoic 20s. People with schizophrenia suffer distress and long term disability and there is a lot of accompanied stigma and prejudice involved with the disease that can spend a penny negative effects on employment, relationships and life satisfaction. A persons family is completely destroyed with schizophrenia and carers and family members also carry t he burden of the disease and caring the person for a long time. schizophrenic disorder is a severe moral disorder characterized by profound disruptions in thinking, affecting language, perception and thee sense of self. It often includes psychotic experiences, such as hearing voices or delusion. It can impair functioning through the loss of an acquired capability to earn a livelihood or the disruption of studies (WHO, 2009)Schizophrenia is not caused by one(a) single factor tho a combination of different factors these factors are biological, psychological and social. This is what is known as the bio psycho social model of schizophrenia (Santrock, 2007). in that location are thought to be many causes of schizophrenia one of these are genetic factors. Riley Kendler (2006) state that 70% of people who develop schizophrenia stick out a relative who has schizophrenia, the closer the relation the more likely a person is to get the disease if a person has an identical twin with schizo phrenia they have a 50% chance of develop schizophrenia.There is a genetic component to schizophrenia which means person may be predisposed to developing schizophrenia but it does not mean that they are pre-determined to develop the illness. Biological factors can include age or a virus and environmental factors for character life stressors can trigger an onset of schizophrenia. Stressful life events that occur can include having a baby, losing a job, moving house or losing someone who is close but not everyone who goes through these stressful situations will be diagnosed with schizophrenia as some people can handle stressful situations relegate than other people will.Risk factors may be different for different individuals while one person may develop schizophrenia due by and large to a strong family history of mental illness (e.g. a high level of genetic danger), someone else with lots less genetic vulnerability may also develop the disease due to a combination of pre-pregna ncy factors, pregnancy factors, social and family stress or environmental factors that they experience during their childhood, teen or early adult years. This suggests that individuals possess different levels of vulnerability to schizophrenia, which are determined by a combination of biological, social and/or psychological factors. It is proposed that vulnerability to schizophrenia will result in the development of problems hardly when environmental stressors are present (Riley Kendler, 2006). If the vulnerability of an individual is sufficiently high, relatively low levels of environmental stress superpower be sufficient to cause problems. If the vulnerability is much less, problems will develop only when higher levels of environmental stress are experienced (NHS report, on Schizophrenia 2005).In mental health recovery has a lot of different definitions and does not constantly refer to a person having complete recovery from mental health problems in the same way that a person can sufficienty recover from having physical health problems. A person not only has to recover from the distress and suffering of psychotic experiences they also have to deal with social exclusion, discrimination, stigma, loss of position in society, feelings of hopelessness, possible forced hospitalisation and the trauma of receiving a diagnosis.The National Institute of Mental Health (2009) suggests that there is no single meaning of the concept of recovery for people with mental health problems, but the easiest way to explain the recovery model is one of hope and that it is possible for a persons meaningful life to be restored, despite serious mental illness. retrieval is often referred to as a process, outlook, vision, and conceptual framework or guiding principle (Watkins, 2007).The Mental Health foundation (2007) state that the recovery process should pop the question a ho swayic view of mental illness that focuses on the person as a whole and not just their symptoms. They also believe that recovery from severe mental illness is possible and it is a journey rather than a destination but it does not necessarily mean getting hold up to where a person was before their diagnosis recovery will happen in fits and starts and, like life it has many ups and downs, c eithers for optimism and commitment from all concerned, is very much influenced by peoples expectations and attitudes requiring a well organised patronage system this can be from family, friends or professionals it also requires mental health service providers to accept and operate on new ways of working.Recovery highlights that while people may not have full control over their symptoms, they can have full control over their lives. According to the National Institute of Mental Health recovery is not astir(predicate) getting rid of mental health problems. It is about being able to help people beyond their problems helping the person to be able to recognise and develop the opportunities that conn ect their abilities, interests and dreams. Mental illness and social attitudes such as stigma that still surrounds mental illness can often impose restrictions on people experiencing ill health (Hinshaw, 2007). Recovery looks sometime(prenominal) these restrictions to help people achieve their objectives.A care pathway is an outline of anticipated care, placed in an appropriate timeframe, to help a patient with a specific condition or set of symptoms move progressively through a clinical experience to positive outcomes. The Department of Health Dual diagnosing Practice Guide (2002) state that someone with dual diagnosis Schizophrenia and substance misuse issues will have an integrated care pathway as their care can be complex as there is likely to be multi agency involvement.The Summary of Assessments of Risk and Need (SARN) is a tool knowing to be used in mental health services for describing service users needs for care. (Self et al 2008). It provides a brief description of the needs of people enter into Mental Health services or presenting with a possible need for change in a care plan. It was developed to aid in the process of establishing a classification of service users based on their needs so that appropriate service responses could be developed both at the individual and service level. It allows professionals from a range of backgrounds to summarise their assessments in a shared format. Thus it provides a common language for describing health states and related social conditions and improves communication between different users including service users themselves (National Health Service, 2009).There are several strategies used to promote the recovery process and these can include pharmacological interventions, CBT, family therapy.Those who have family emolument most if their families are well informed about the illness have support and skills to deal with the ill family member.Social skills training, vocational assistance and environmental limit ing help support recovery because if someone is in control of their finances have a job that they can go to this is likely to help with their ad hominem growth and their self esteem.Cognitive behavior therapy can help reduce the distress and disability caused by symptoms of schizophrenia. Improve understanding and self management, reduce the risk of further relapse, improve mood and self esteem it involves client as an active participant in interposition. NICE guidelines (2009) state that psychological interventions should play a key role in the treatment of schizophrenia and that the best evidence is for CBT and family intervention. NICE guidelines now explicitly recommend CBT to be offered as a treatment option and family interventions should be available to families who are living with someone with psychosis or who are in close contact with someone with psychosis.CBT offers a collaborative approach ensures client is at the centre of care and is an active participant in decision s about treatment this enhances engagement with services (Freeman Felgoise, 2005).Motivational interviewing was originally developed as a treatment for drugs and alcohol addiction. However, it is now used with clients with psychosis to enhance compliance with medication (Rollnick Miller, 2002). It is also used for clients with a dual diagnosis of drug or alcohol use and psychosis (Haddock et al, 2002). Motivational interviewing is based on the theory of stages of change or cycle of change (Proschaska Diclemente, 1982).According to Rollnick Miller (2002) the different stages of change are In pre-contemplation the person does not acknowledge a problem exists. In contemplation the person is ambivalent they are in two minds about what they penury to do. In action the person is preparing and planning for change. When they are ready the decision to change is made and it becomes all consuming. In maintenance the change has been introduced into the persons life. Some support may still be needed through the maintenance stage. Lapse is a temporary return to old unhelpful thoughts, feelings or behaviours. Relapse is a full return to the old behaviour. Lapse and relapse are viewed as natural part of the Cycle of Change and do not assume failure. It does not mean that lapse or relapse is desirable or even always to be expected. It simply means that change is difficult, and it is unreasonable to expect anyone to be able to change a habit perfectly without any slip ups (Rollnick Miller, 2002). When a relapse occurs, several trips through the stages may be necessary to shuffle lasting changes. Each time the person is encouraged to review, reflect and learn from their slip ups. Rollnick and Miller (2002), state that motivational interviewing is especially effective when clients are every in the pre-contemplation or contemplation stages.Relapse rates in psychosis are extremely high, even if people stay on their medication so it is always good practice to work closely wi th the client and their family and list early warning signs (Witkiewitz Marlatt, 2007). This can lead to an action plan that can be implement to help spot signs of relapse. Once a list of early warning signs has been completed a detailed action plan can be gaunt up this will usually include, which the client and their family should do if signs of relapse are spotted. These plans can include what services should respond to the client and families concerns and give a list of available resources e.g. extra medication, phone numbers to call in crisis. Doing this can be empowering for both the client and their family it can enhance the relationship between them and mental health services giving them more control over their treatment and also enables them to feel supported in practical ways (Witkiewitz Marlott, 2007) .As with all therapies there is always problems the main ones associated with CBT and motivational interviewing are initial engagement, encouraging people to talk about t heir symptoms and problems, funding, time limitations and resources and ensuring that skilled mental health workers have sufficient training in carrying out these therapies.Being diagnosed with schizophrenia shouldnt mean that a person cant live a full and happy life. With the in good order help and advice and continuing support from mental health services a person who suffers from schizophrenia should be able to work, build relationships and live a commonplace life just like anyone else. According to Mind (2009) this is due to a better understanding of schizophrenia the introduction of more effective medications and the increasing use of therapeutic interventions.
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